SSH key file format is invalid

Problem Git Integration for Jira application SSH keys: Must not be created using the OpenSSH format Must be the private […]

Retrieve an Integration API

Retrieves the parameter details of an integration from the git repository configuration. Only Jira admins can perform the Retrieve an […]

Retrieve Repository List

Retrieves list of repositories mapped to a given project. Any Jira user can perform the Retrieve Repository List API call. […]

Retrieve Integration List API

Retrieves the list of integrations and their respective parameter details from the git repository configuration. Only Jira admins can perform […]

Requirement for secured import

SSH integration Before adding repositories (new or existing) via Bulk change, make sure that you have added SSH keys for […]

Require User PAT general setting

This setting is part of the General Settings configuration page. For detailed information on this feature, see Documentation: Require user […]