GitKraken Browser Extension Documentation

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GitKraken Browser Extension

The GitKraken Browser Extension bridges your GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, or Azure DevOps repositories to GitKraken Client and GitLens in Visual Studio Code. With this browser extension enabled, you get options inside,, and to open repositories and commits in GitKraken Client or GitLens in Visual Studio Code.

Opening in GitKraken Client

Opening in GitLens


How to add the extension

To add the browser extension, navigate to the following link for your respective browser and select Add to [Browser] or Get:

For Firefox, you will need to manually allow permissions for the respective service in order to see these features. This can be done by selecting the extension icon when on the site for the service, then selecting the gear icon, and then selecting Always Allon on {service}.


Open with GitKraken: From GitHub’s Code and GitLab’s Clone dropdowns, you can open a repository directly in GitKraken Client or with GitLens in Visual Studio Code.

Open Compairison in Visual Studio Code: From the pull request view on GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, or Azure DevOps, you can select "Open Comparison in VS Code" from the Code dropdowns for an easy transition into GitLens in Visual Studio Code.

Open with GitKraken button on commit pages: The GitKraken Browser extension adds a dedicated "Open with GitKraken" button to GitHub’s, GitLab’s, Bitbucket’s, or Azure DevOp’s commit pages.

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