Reindex POST API
Starts the reindex process in a separate thread and returns the result immediately. There are two types of users who […]
Reindex GET API
Use this method to track messages for a particular thread. Jira administrators Jira user who has all of the following: View/browse permissions to the […]
Reindex API to trigger indexing
Call the Reindex REST API to have more control on indexing. Reindex POST API Use this method to start […]
Reindex API
Call the Reindex REST API to have more control on indexing. Reindex REST APIs Reindex POST API Reindex GET API
Reconfigure Git repositories and SSH keys
Perform the following steps to reconfigure repositories and SSH key: Remove any old SSH keys configured with the Git Integration […]
Recommended upgrade method for Git Integration for Jira
For full list of features, version history and supported Jira version of the Git for Jira app, see Git Integration for […]
Recommended reindex interval setting
The configuration of the scheduler jobs are no longer accessible in the Jira administration page. For this case, the Git […]
Recommended Jira memory settings – Administration
This page is about how to configure/allocate memory to Jira to accommodate large repositories and avoid OutOfMemory exceptions. The approximate […]
Pull request index error — org.json.JSONException
Problem Pull requests (or merge requests in GitLab) do not index and the pull request index (pullreqsIndexInfo.json inside jira/home/caches/indexes/plugins/jira-git-pull-requests) is […]
Pull request filters
NEW FEATURE VERSION 4.19+ This feature allows administrators to hide pull requests and branches based on a filter/regex. The Git […]