Repository Browser
The Repository Browser allows users to view git repositories of configured projects via the Git menu on the Jira dashboard or on the Applications […]
Repository Browser general setting
This setting is part of the General Settings configuration page. For detailed information on this feature, see Documentation: Repository Browser. […]
Repository API
Updated: February 14, 2020 The Repository REST API allows query of the project repository list; as well as adding, updating […]
Repositories missing from Azure DevOps integration
Problem Some or all repositories in Azure DevOps integrations are not seen or showing by the integration user. Diagnoses […]
Repositories garbage collection checker
These settings are part of the General Settings configuration page. VERSION 4.0.1+ This setting group is now moved to the […]
Removing integration or repository configuration
Delete a repository or integration if it isn’t needed or is broken in the Git Integration for Jira app configuration […]
Removing existing repositories via Bulk change
To delete multiple repositories from the Git Integration for Jira app git repository/integration configuration: Open the existing .tsv file that […]
Removing SSH keys
SSH keys cannot be modified or updated. To change the keys, remove and add them again. To delete the SSH […]
Remove Integration API
Deletes the existing integration from the Git Integration for Jira app repository configuration. Only Jira admins can perform the Remove […]
Permissions You must be a member of the jira-developers group to start reindex. Synchronization between the repository and app will start automatically. However, […]