GitKraken Desktop Documentation

Security Information for GitKraken Desktop

Below is a chart outlining some basic security information regarding the type of data that we collect and how we store it.

Service What information are we collecting How is this information secured in the transfer Where is this information stored How is this information secured in storage
Workspaces/Insights Repository info: URL, org name, repo name, and issue count.
Pull request info: URL, author, title, description, comment count, and PR state.
Encrypted with TLS MongoDB Atlas Encrypted at rest (AES-256)
Teams & Users Repo-relative file paths, number of lines changed, name of branch currently checked out, first commit SHA of the repository Encrypted with TLS MongoDB Atlas Encrypted at rest (AES-256)
Subscriptions Billing info: name, payment type (credit card, paypal, ACH, etc.), last four digits of payment method, zip code, country, credit card type (mastercard, visa, etc.) Encrypted with TLS MongoDB Atlas Encrypted at rest (AES-256)
Launchpad URLs of issues and pull requests, issue tracker and Git provider filters for saved views Encrypted with TLS Postgres (RDS) Encrypted at rest (AES-256)
Cloud Patches Info related to the patch (repo name/URL/provider/base branch name/etc.) + the patch content itself. Encrypted with TLS Patch info is stored in a Postgres database, patch content is stored in AWS S3. SSE-S3, which uses 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-256)
Proactive Conflict Detection Repo-relative file paths, name and commit SHA of relevant branches, names of files changed, line numbers with changes, and first commit SHA of the repository Encrypted with TLS Redis (max TTL of 108 hours) Encrypted at rest (AES-256)
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