You can create filters using the below syntax to pull requests shown.
Parameters Available
Filter | Example | Description |
Title/body search | foo |
Will match pull requests containing the string foo in their title and description. |
Title/body search | foo bar |
Will match the pull requests containing the string foo bar in their title and description. |
in: | foo in:title |
Will match the pull requests containing the string foo in only their title. |
in: | foo in:body |
Will match the pull requests containing the string foo in only their description. |
author: | author:keanu |
Will match pull requests created by the user keanu . |
assignee: | assignee:keanu |
Will match pull requests assigned to the user keanu . |
review-requested: | review-requested:jerry |
Will match pull requests that need to be reviewed by the user jerry . |
reviewed-by: | reviewed-by:keanu |
Will match pull requests that have been reviewed by the user keanu . |
involves: | involves:jerry |
Will match pull requests that the user jerry has reviewed, has been assigned to, or has commented on. |
base: | base:main |
Will match pull requests that are merging into main . |
head: | head:development |
Will match pull requests that are merging from development . |
draft: | draft:true |
Will match pull requests that are marked as a draft. |
label: | label:"Release Critical" |
Will match pull requests that have the Release Critical label. |
milestone: | milestone:v1 |
Will match pull requests that have the v1 milestone. |
Review State
The review filter can take multiple parameters, which are approved
, changes_requested
, or none
Filter | Example | Description |
review: | review:approved |
Will match pull requests that have been approved by at least one person. |
review: | review:changes_requested |
Will match pull requests that have at least one person requesting changes. |
review: | review:none |
Will match pull requests that no reviews. |
The status filter can take multiple parameters, which are success
, pending
, or failure
Filter | Example | Description |
status: | status:success |
Will match pull requests with a success status. |
status: | status:pending |
Will match pull requests with a pending status. |
status: | status:failure |
Will match pull requests with a failed status. |
No Value
The no value filter will include pull requests if the specified parameter does not exist on a pull request. The parameters available are assignee
, involves
, label
, milestone
, review-requested
, and status
Filter | Example | Description |
no: | no:assignee |
Will match pull requests that have no assignees. |
no: | no:status |
Will match pull requests that have no status. |
Date fields on a pull request can be tested in various forms using the created
and updated
Filter | Example | Description |
created: | created:2019-12-14T19:20:16Z |
Will match pull requests created after 2019-12-14T19:20:16Z. |
updated: | updated:2019-12-14T19:20:16Z |
Will match pull requests updated after 2019-12-14T19:20:16Z. |
created: | created:2020-12-31 |
The filter will also attempt to support the user’s local format. |
OR Conditions
All filters support OR conditions if provided with comma separated values.
Example | Description |
label:Bug,Feature | Will match pull requests that have either the label Bug or Feature . |
assignee:jerry,keanu | Will match pull requests that are assigned to either jerry or keanu . |
label:Bug,Feature label:Important | Will match pull requests that have either the label Bug or Feature , and have the label Important . |
Excluding Results
Adding a -
to the front of any of the above will cause pull requests matching that query to be excluded from results.
Example | Description |
-no:assignee | Will match pull requests that have an assignee. |
-assignee:guy | Will match pull requests that are not assigned to the user guy . |
-label:Bug,Next | Will match pull requests that do not have either the Bug or Next label. This is effectively the same as using -label:Bug -label:Feature . |
Combining Parameters
All of the above can be used in any combination. Pull requests will be matched if they meet all of the parameters in the query.
foo bar label:feature -has:assignee
Other Integrations
We do not support all filters on other integrations, including GitLab, Bitbucket, and Azure DevOps.
Integration | updated: | review-requested: | assignee: | title/body search, in:, no:, created:, base:, head: | reviewed-by:, review:, involves:, label:, milestone:, draft:, status: |
GitLab + Self Managed | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||
Bitbucket | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||
Bitbucket Data Center | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||
Azure DevOps | ✔ | ✔ |