- By default, Git Integration for Jira has the Git Source Code Panel enabled. (How to disable)
- By default, Dev Info for Jira has the Git Source Code Panel disabled. (How to enable)
The Issue Git Source Code Panel displays:
Git Commits: # of commits and link to Git Commits Issue Tab, link to Git Roll Up Issue Tab
Branches: Create branch function, list of branches associated to Jira issue (Jira issue key must be in branch title)
Pull/Merge Requests: Create pull/merge request function, list of pull/merge requests associated to Jira issue (Jira issue key must be in PR/MR title), status of pull/merge request
Tags: git tags associated to Jira issue (via associated commit). Tags are sometimes referred to as Releases in some products.
Git Source Code Panel (old issue view)

Git Source Code Panel (New issue view & next-gen projects)
The Git Commits Issue tab lists the git commits associated to the Jira issue grouped by repository and sorted by commit time.

How can a Jira administrator enable or disable the Issue Git Source Code Panel?
Install the Git Integration for Jira or the Dev Info for Jira app
Navigate to the General settings page of the application.
Enable or disable the setting: Show Git Source Code Panel.
Click Update button.

For detailed information about this feature, see Documentation: Jira Git integration development panel.
If you still have a question – reach out to our Support Desk or email us at [email protected].
See more features
Git Integration + Jira Automation
JQL Searching for Commits and Pull Requests
Jira Cloud Smart Commits and Workflow Triggers
Git Roll Up Issue Tab features
Git Commits Issue Tab and Project Pages
Issue Git Source Code Panel (this page)
Repository Browser – Viewing all repositories
Feature matrix of Git Integration for Jira Cloud
Git Integration Server/Data Center vs Jira Cloud – Feature Comparison