Git Integration for Jira Cloud Documentation

Indexing triggers (formerly Webhooks)

Indexing triggers allows immediate reindex of your repositories from remote systems, where near real-time data is sent to Jira whenever your git data changes. This provides Jira with more often up-to-date information. Setting up indexing triggers will result in a much faster indexing time where you don’t have to wait for the regular polling interval (every 5 minutes).

Most git providers will also allow you to create webhooks at an account-level or org-level. For more information about this topic, see About GitLab Webhooks.

Getting started

Setup webhooks for your configured integration/repositories from remote systems by enabling the feature first.

  1. From your Jira dashboard, go to the Apps menu.

  2. Click Git Integration: Manage Git repositories.

  3. On the sidebar, click Indexing triggers to open the Webhooks configuration page.

  4. Turn on the webhook feature by switching the Indexing triggers enabled setting to ON.

Use the Webhook URL to setup webhook for your remote git host.

The Secret Key is a secure random-generated alphanumeric string at the time of the Git Integration for Jira app installation. The user can change this to a different value by generating another secret token according to your Git host.

Use this key in the form of:

All the repositories will be reindexed if the URL specified above is activated through GETPOST, or PUT and the webhooks are enabled.

There is no support for other HTTP methods such as  DELETE  or  HEAD.

See About indexing triggers in Jira Cloud for a more detailed information on this topic.

For more information about triggers and event types, see Creating reindex triggers for a single repository.



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