Git Integration for Jira Cloud Documentation

Jira development information settings

These settings are part of the General Settings(/git-integration-for-jira-cloud/general-settings-gij-cloud) configuration page for Git Integration for Jira Cloud.


The default settings for Jira Development Information is shown.


What is Jira Development Information?

Jira Development Information is a suite of new features available in Jira Software on the Cloud platform that puts commits, branches, and pull requests in context of Jira issue. These settings can be configured to “push” development information (commits, branches, and pull requests) directly into your Jira Cloud instance.

After all the settings have been configured according to your requirements, click Update to apply the changes.


General settings effect on Smart Commits commands

Please take note that the following settings will affect availability of specific smart commit commands as outlined below:

When this General setting is enabled #time #label
Jira Cloud Smart Commits
Git Integration app Smart Commits
Both Jira Cloud Smart and GIJ app Smart commits
(doubled time and comments)


More Jira development information settings

Send development information to Jira Cloud setting

Enable Jira Cloud Smart Commits, Automation for Jira and Workflow Triggers setting

Enable Git Integration app smart commits setting

Advanced: Clear Development Information setting



More General settings options

Git roll up issue tab setting

Git commits issue tab and project page

Issue git source code panel setting

Repository browser settings

Git integration options

Jira development information settings

General settings for administrators

GitKraken integration settings

Enable beta features setting

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