Git Integration for Jira Self-Managed (Data Center/Server) Documentation

Enable/Disable Existing Integration API

Only Jira admins can perform the Enable/Disable Existing Integration API call.

URL format





Utilize the following parameters to control the field values in the URL format:


Field Description
JIRA_BASE_URL String. Required.

This is your organization’s Jira base URL. For example,

integrationId Integer. Required.

This is the integration ID that your are targeting to enable/disable.

disable Boolean. Required.

When set to disable=true, the status of the target integration in the Manage git integration configuration list becomes DISABLED. Set to disable=false, to enable it again.




  "success": true


Integration REST APIs

Add New Integration

Add New Integration Type API (examples)

Enable/disable Existing Integration (this page)

Update Existing Integration

Remove Integration

Retrieve an Integration

Retrieve Integration List

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