Git Integration for Jira Self-Managed (Data Center/Server) Documentation

Reindex and cache FAQ

This page contains related questions about git notes, reindex tracking and control.

Use the FAQ below to find answers to common questions. Feel free to contact our support team ([email protected]) or visit our support portal if you don’t see what you’re looking for.



What does re-index do?

Re-index does 2 operations:

  • Updates local repo from remote

  • Updates local indexes which contain info about every commit


Is there any way to control the reindex?

In terms of kicking off the indexing based on an event, you have two options:

What other users have done is set a high interval and then configure one of those options.


Commits are not showing right away. Can they show up faster?

Commits won’t appear immediately since synchronization is implemented as background job (GitRevisionIndexerJob). You can reduce the job delay down to 1 minute to schedule updates more often.

Navigate to the General settings of the Git Integration for Jira app.

Scroll down to the Scheduled jobs section and set the Repository indexing value or leave it as is (recommended).

For near-instantaneous display of commits in your Jira issues, we recommend to configure webhooks.


How do I completely rebuild plugin indexes?

If you think that the Git indexes are corrupt and needed to be completely rebuilt, please do the following:

  1. Disable the Git Integration for Jira app (Jira administrationManage apps).

  2. Remove the following folders:


  3. Enable Git Integration for Jira app.

On the next startup, the app will create the above folders again.

If you have large Git repositories, please do this after prime time.


How do I clear the Git Integration for Jira app cache manually?

If you think that the Git caches are corrupt and needed to be removed, please do the following:

  1. Disable the Git Integration for Jira app (Jira administrationManage apps).

  2. Go to <jira_home>.

  3. Delete the index:

    Example: rm -rf <jira_home>/caches/indexes/plugins/jira-git-*

  4. Delete the cache:

    Example: rm <jira_home>/data/git-plugin/indexed-revisions-info-cache

  5. Enable the Git Integration for Jira app.

  6. Reindex all integration repositories by performing the next two steps.

  7. Go to Jira administration ➜ Applications. On the sidebar under Git Integration for Jira, click Git Repositories.

  8. Click Reindex All.

The above solution also applies to:
Commit information that are not shown for commits having issue key(s) in its message that were already indexed.


Is it possible to track the specified branches when reindexing?

No. The Git Integration for Jira app is designed to do a full index.


Is there a URL I can call to trigger fetch and re-index? Would be nice to add as service hook to GitHub or Gitlab.

Yes  –  use the following url:


… where <JIRA_BASE_URL> is your domain host and <SECRET|_KEY> is your webhook secret key. The secret key can be found in your GIJ Webhooks page.

The reindex process won’t start if reindex is already running.

The git notes are still not visible in Jira. What should I do?

Perform a Reset + Reindex of the selected repository via Git Repositories of the GIJ app. If the issue still persist, see article, How do I clear the Git Integration app for Jira cache manually?

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