Git Integration for Jira Self-Managed (Data Center/Server) Documentation

Gerrit JMESPath filter examples


An optional JMESPath filter can be configured when adding Gerrit integrations.


1. Contains (include)

[?contains(name, 'git')]

This is a filter based on the text in the repository name. It lists repositories with the names that contain the word 'git'. Do note that the declared string format is case-sensitive.

2. Starts with or ends with

[?starts_with(name, 'git') || ends_with(name, 'test')]

Lists repositories with the names that start with 'git' or end with 'test'.

3. Contains (exclude)

[?(!contains(name, 'firstword'))]

[?(!contains(name, 'firstword')) && (!contains(name, 'secondword'))]

1 – Lists repositories with the names that do not contain the word 'firstword'.

2 – Lists repositories with the names that either do not contain the words 'firstword' OR 'secondword'.

The !condition must be wrapped in a parenthesis so it won’t invert the whole expression.

Do note that the declared string format is case-sensitive.



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Gerrit JMESPath filter examples (this page)

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