Git Integration for Jira Self-Managed (Data Center/Server) Documentation

Git Integration + Jira Automation – Template library

Let automation do the work while your developers focus on what’s important.  Automation Templates for Git Integration for Jira can be implemented so you never need to start from scratch. We’ve provided some templates we think are useful so you don’t need to create your own automation rules from scratch.

All of the templates from Atlassian’s template librarywill work with Git Integration for Jira.

With Git Integration for Jira you can integrate any Git repository with Jira. And better yet, you can make use of any of our handy automation templates, or use Atlassian’s!

You can write your own templates using Atlassian’s no-code Jira automation engine.


Available templates from Atlassian for Git Integration for Jira users:

Here are some templates from Atlassian you can use as a guide for some of the most common uses:

And here’s some handy use cases for automation for Git Integration for Jira users:

  • Transition issue state when a commit arrives.

  • Transition issue state when pull/merge request is merged. For example: from IN PROGRESS to DONE.

For more powerful conditions:

  • Use Jira Automation Smart Values to extract data from your commits and branches to be used in an automation action such as;

    • Take actions based on the name of a branch. For example:

      • only transition branches that contain a specific keyword like “WIP” (Work In Progress).

      • add a comment to an issue when a branch contains a certain keyword.

    • Extract the pullRequest state (Open vs Merged vs Declined) from a Pull request, and use it in an advanced compare condition

    • Ensure the commit message contains things you’re looking for, like issue keys, etc.

    • Verify that only certain repos trigger the automation

    • See the full list of available smart values

Supported triggers:

We currently support the 5 highlighted triggers depicted below, and we will support all of these triggers in coming releases.


Git Integration + Jira Automation

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