Git Integration for Jira Self-Managed (Data Center/Server) Documentation

Pull request filters


This feature allows administrators to hide pull requests and branches based on a filter/regex. The Git Integration for Jira app supports integration or repository level filter.

The PR filter is available on the following locations:

  1. Integration Feature Settings page  Actions ➜ Edit integration feature settings

    Pull request filter location 1
  2. Update Repository page (integration sub repository)  Actions ➜ Show integration repositories

    Pull request filter location 2
The PR filter is not available on the following locations:

  • Update Repository page for plain repository – Actions ➜ Edit repository settings.
  • Update Repository page for repositories belonging to a tracked folder – Actions ➜ Edit repository settings.


Basic regex examples

  • The prHideFilter will hide PR starting with word/phrase “[mq-bot]”, e.g. “[mq-bot] This is a test Pull Request”.


  • The prHideFilter will hide PR starting with word/phrase “Test” or “test”, e.g. “Test Pull Request”.



More advanced examples

For the example list of PRs (or MRs): TEST-1 pr_1, TEST-1 pr_2, TEST-1 pr_23, TEST-1 pr_3, TEST-1 pr_4 – the following expressions can be used:

Action RegExp Hide result PR list result
Hide all PRs .* all none
Hide only TEST-1 pr_1 ((^|, )(TEST-1 pr_1))+$ TEST-1 pr_1 TEST-1 pr_2
TEST-1 pr_23
TEST-1 pr_3
TEST-1 pr_4
Hides anything that does NOT contain the TEST-1 pr_2 phrase ^((?!TEST-1 pr_2).)*$ TEST-1 pr_1
TEST-1 pr_3
TEST-1 pr_4
TEST-1 pr_2
TEST-1 pr_23
Hide all PRs BUT TEST-1 pr_2 ^((?!((^|, )(TEST-1 pr_2))+$).)*$ TEST-1 pr_1
TEST-1 pr_23
TEST-1 pr_3
TEST-1 pr_4
TEST-1 pr_2
Hide some PRs: TEST-1 pr_1, TEST-1 pr_2, TEST-1 pr_3 ((^|, )(TEST-1 pr_[1-3]))+$ TEST-1 pr_1
TEST-1 pr_2
TEST-1 pr_3
TEST-1 pr_23
TEST-1 pr_4


See more Git Integration for Jira app features

Manager permissions (Git Integration for Jira Data Center)

Cancel indexing (Git Integration for Jira Data Center)

Pull request filters (this page)

Tag filters (Git Integration for Jira Data Center)

Indexing queue viewer (Git Integration for Jira Data Center)

Deep linking feature (Git Integration for Jira Data Center)

GitHub App integration (Git Integration for Jira Data Center)

Git Integration + ScriptRunner (Git Integration for Jira Data Center)

Git Integration + Jira Automation (Git Integration for Jira Data Center)

Enforced git permissions for Jira users – Features (Git Integration for Jira Data Center)

Shared reindex queue between DC nodes (Git Integration for Jira Data Center)

Smart commits overview (Git Integration for Jira Data Center)

Associate Pull/Merge Requests to Issues Based on Commits (Git Integration for Jira Data Center)

Creating branches (Git Integration for Jira Data Center)

Creating pull/merge requests (Git Integration for Jira Data Center)

Issue Git integration panel – Features (Git Integration for Jira Data Center)

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