Git Integration for Jira Self-Managed (Data Center/Server) Documentation

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Ways to Index Git Data to Jira Issues

There are several ways to associate git data to Jira issues:

Objective Method/Trigger Description Example Video
Link commit to Jira issue Commit message Commit by a Jira key in the commit message. “TEST-1 add fix for bug” vid link
Link commit to Jira issue Git note Commit by a Jira key in git notes to the commit.
Associate commit to Jira issue Change commit issues` in the `Commits` tab of a repository in the Repository Browser Associate git commit(s) to Jira issue via Commits tab of a repository in the Repository Browser. TEST-1, TEST-4
Associate commit to Jira issue Change commit issues in the View full commit dialog of the selected commit in Commits tab Associate git commits to Jira issue via View full commit dialog in Commits tab. TEST-1, TEST-4
Link commits to Jira issue Pull/merge request PR/MR Jira key in the pull/merge request comment. “Merge branch 1.5.1-a6b4c1d5e3f2 to TEST-1 when bug is fixed.”
Link branch to Jira issue Commit message Adding a Jira key in the branch name. “TEST-1-add-fix-for-bug”
Link branch to Jira issue Associated git commits The branch commit is already associated to the Jira issue. “TEST-1-add-fix-for-bug”
Link pull/merge request to a Jira issue Pull Request Merge/Pull request by a Jira key in the MRs/PRs name. “TEST-1 merge branch add fix for bug”
Link pull/merge request to a Jira issue Add a description to a PR/MR after creation via the git service web portal Merge/Pull request by a Jira key in the MRs/PRs description in the git service web portal “This branch from this pull/merge request will be merged to TEST-1”
Link pull/merge request to Jira issue Associated git commits Merge/Pull request if the MR/PR commits are already associated. A commit in the PR/MR is already linked to TEST-1
Link pull/merge request to Jira issue Associated git commits Merge/Pull request by a Jira key in the MRs/PRs base or compare branch.
Tag a commit Associated tags in a Jira issue. (See example) Associated tags in a Jira issue.
Tags are associated only with a Jira issue by Jira keys that are specified in commits that belong to the tag.

Note: Specifying a Jira key in the name of a tag does NOT associate this tag with the mentioned Jira issue.

$ git tag -a v3.7 9f1a4c2


Manually associate git commits to Jira issues

For more information on this topic, see documentation Associate git commit to Jira issues manually.

More How-to articles

How to get a quote?

Setting Project Permissions

How to create a HAR file and send it to support for analysis

Working with Custom API Path

Working with JMESPath Filters

Configure Source Code Diff Viewing

Creating and configuring SSH keys (Windows/MacOS/Linux)

Require Personal Access Tokens for user actions (create branch/pull request)

Ways to Index Git Data to Jira Issues (this page)

Proxy settings on adding integrations (except AWS CodeCommit)

Creating Personal Access Tokens

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