Application Overview
Thank you for choosing Git Integration for Jira for Data Center (GIJ)! This guide provides Jira Admins with crucial information for deciding the most effective configuration of Git Integration for Jira.
Consider GIJ a “set it and forget it” app and Jira Admins who read each page of this guide can expect to save days of configuration rework. With that, let’s get crackin!
What to expect
GIJ will display Commits, Branches, and Pull/Merge requests associated with a specific Jira Issue. The Jira Issue key must be included in the commit message, the Branch name, and the Pull/Merge request title in order for GIJ to link the item to the respective Jira Issue.
Please see Linking Git Commits for more details.
Breakdown of information provided by GIJ in Jira issues:

Activity Stream – Git Commits
- Git Commits tab in the activity stream, broken down by repository
- Individual Commit, noted by Developer that made the commit
- Commit message
- Commit line change summary by file
- Link to view Code diff in Jira
Git Integration Panel
- Commit Count
- Option to Create a branch directly from a Jira Issue. Associated Branches with change comparison count to main repository branch.
- Option to Create a Pull/Merge request directly from a Jira Issue. Associated Pull/Merge Requests with status
Security Restrictions and Policies
Please see Known performance limitations on Cloud and Permissions for details on how to limit visibility of GIJ panels/Data between Jira users.
NEXT Application operations and Integration Structure Planning