Git Integration for Jira Self-Managed (Data Center/Server) Documentation

Introduction – Documentation

The Git Integration for Jira app is intended for displaying list of commits linked with a particular Jira issue. It is often useful to figure out real issue progress as well as contributors involved in the real work of an issue.

The Git Integration app pulls data from a Git source code control repository. Your Jira users will be able to see code in Git in context with Jira projects and issues. Even non-technical users without Git access will be able to work with Git in the familiar Jira interface.

New tabs are added to the Issue view called Git Roll Up and Git Commits. The Git Commits tab is also added to the Project view. Users who access these tabs will see the Git activities.

Ask your Git administrator if you need access to the Git repository just like a regular developer would have.

If you are the Git administrator, define a new Git user for this Jira Server/Data Center.

The Git Integration for Jira app is available for Jira Server, Jira Data Center and Cloud. It supports seamless integration with most git hosts and can be configured with ease.

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For permissions requirement, see App platform and system permissions requirement.

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