Git Integration for Jira Self-Managed (Data Center/Server) Documentation

Audit log settings


This setting is part of the General Settings configuration page.

These settings affect which audit logs are displayed on the Jira system administration audit log page.

With auditing feature, key activities are tracked on the Jira instance. This provides administrators insight on how the way the instance is being used.

The new audit log will help administrators:

  • manage their log more effectively;
  • decide which of the coverage areas to audit; and
  • select how detailed they want their log to be.

The audit log functionality is also extended to Jira Data Center instances as it will have more coverage areas, various event volume levels and an option to integrate the audit log file with external tools.

For more information on the audit log and it’s new functions, see this article.

Using this feature affects database performance. Administrators can select only needed log events to audit to improve performance.


Enable audit logging

This setting enables/disables audit logging for the Git Integration for Jira app. This setting is set to ON for new app installations and is set to OFF on app upgrades by default.


Audit log events

Click Advanced to expand the audit log events. Enable/disable event items to turn tracking ON/OFF for specific events.


View Jira audit log

Click this label link to take you to the Jira administrator system Audit log page. Alternatively, go to Jira administration ➜ System ➜ Audit log.

Below is an example of the logs audited of the selected events from the Audit logs – General settings:


More on general settings

Git roll up issue tab

Git commits issue and project tabs

Git integration features

Branch and pull request settings (formerly Git Integration Options)

Email settings

Scheduled jobs

Audit log settings (this page)

General settings

Repository Browser general setting

Source Code Diff Viewing general setting

Enforce Git service permissions

Enable Automation for Jira general setting

Require User PAT general setting

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