Git Integration for Jira Self-Managed (Data Center/Server) Documentation

Git integration features

This setting is part of the General Settings configuration page.

These group of settings affect how new commits are updated; how tags are displayed on Jira issues; and give administrators control — if commit information in JQL searches and Git activity stream is shown or not.

Settings index:



GitKraken integration


On the General settings page, enable/disable the GitKraken deep linking feature for Jira issue development panel and Git Commits tab. This will allow access to the deep links at these locations which opens the respective commit, branches and repositories with GitKraken git client. For more information on this feature, see Deep linking to the GitKraken client.


GitLens integration


On the General settings page, enable/disable the GitLens deep linking feature for Jira issue development panel and Git Commits tab. This will allow access to the GitLens deep links at these locations which opens the respective commit, branches and repositories with GitKraken git client. For more information on this feature, see Deep linking to the GitLens client.


Jira issue updates

Enable/disable the setting to allow new commits to change the Last Updated field.  Default is enabled.  For more information about this setting, see section Reindexing – Reindex and updatedDate Filter.

Disabling this setting will improve Jira performance.


Issue git integration panel

Show Git integration panel on issue pages
Enable/disable this setting to have Git Integration for Jira app show/hide the Git Integration section on the Jira issue developer panel.

For more information, see Jira git integration development panel.

Show main branch under the Branches section in Git Integration panel
Enable/disable this setting to show/hide the “main” branch under the Branches list on the Jira issue Git development integration panel.

Calculate and show Git tags in the Git integration panel
Enable/disable the setting to have Git Integration for Jira app calculate and show the Git tags in the Git Integration panel.

For more information, see Git Tags.

Disabling this setting will improve Jira performance.


JQL searching

Enables/disables the ability to use the JQL functions within the Git Integration for Jira app.

The default state for new Git for Jira app installation is Enabled. This setting will be automatically enabled when doing an upgrade from previous versions of the Git Integration for Jira app.

For more information, see JQL searching.

Disabling this setting will improve Jira performance.


Git activity stream

Enable/disable the setting whether to show git commits in the Jira activity stream (Issue page or dashboard widget) or not.

For in-place upgrade of the Git Integration for Jira app, this setting is turned off by default.  For new installation, the default state is enabled.

Only the commits that are linked to Jira issues will show on the Jira Activity Stream (not all commits in repositories).

Disabling this setting will improve Jira performance.


More on general settings

Repository Browser general setting

Source Code Diff Viewing general setting

Require User PAT general setting

Enforce Git service permissions setting

Git roll up issue tab setting

Git commits issue and project tabs setting

Git integration features settings (this page)

Enable Automation for Jira general setting

Audit log settings

Branch and pull request settings (formerly Git Integration Options)

Email settings

Scheduled jobs settings

Per node repository indexing setting

Repositories garbage collection checker settings

Diff settings

Discard cloned files in Jira HOME directory setting

Git operations timeout

Cache sizes settings

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