Git Integration for Jira Self-Managed (Data Center/Server) Documentation

Scheduled jobs general setting

This setting is part of the General Settings configuration page.

This setting allows administrators to configure duration of jobs and the GC checkers.

Scheduling jobs gives administrators control over when jobs run. These jobs can be scheduled in two ways:

  • Scanning interval – where jobs are scheduled on regular interval in minutes.

  • Cron expression – where jobs are scheduled via cron expression to run at specific timetables.

We recommend that scheduled jobs be given sufficient time to run completely on a regular basis.

Look at the Git Integration app job names in Jira Administration ➜ System ➜ Scheduler details:


Expand them to observe schedule, duration, last run, duration, and next run.


Scheduled Jobs

Repository reindexing and Garbage collection and revision validation checkers settings are now moved into the Scheduled Jobs settings group.


Repository reindexing

Reindex interval  –  Set the automatic reindex interval frequency value in minutes as required. Default value is 5 minutes.

Configuration of the scheduler jobs are no longer accessible in the Jira administration page. For this case, the Git for Jira app offers Jira administrators this capability via the General screen. Minimum value is 1. Maximum value is 76,861,433,640,456. Only whole numbers are allowed.


Garbage collection and revision validation checkers

Job interval  –  Set the number of minutes that will elapse before a repository is checked to see if it should be garbage collected.  The default value is 1440 minutes.

For detailed information, see introductory article on Scheduling Jobs.


More on general settings

Repository Browser general setting

Source Code Diff Viewing general setting

Require User PAT general setting

Enforce Git service permissions setting

Git roll up issue tab setting

Git commits issue and project tabs setting

Git integration features settings

Enable Automation for Jira general setting

Audit log settings

Branch and pull request settings (formerly Git Integration Options)

Email settings

Scheduled jobs settings (this page)

Per node repository indexing setting

Repositories garbage collection checker settings

Diff settings

Discard cloned files in Jira HOME directory setting

Git operations timeout

Git data processing age limit general setting

Cache sizes settings

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