Git Integration for Jira Self-Managed (Data Center/Server) Documentation

Reconfigure Git repositories and SSH keys

Perform the following steps to reconfigure repositories and SSH key:

  1. Remove any old SSH keys configured with the Git Integration app via <JiraHOSTNAME> /secure/ViewSshKeys.jspa (Git Integration for Jira sidebar ➜ SSH keys).

  2. Restart Jira.

  3. Get the private key file from your Jira server to your Windows workstation: /home/jira/.ssh/id_rsa

  4. Open the Connect wizard, use the repository location (git clone URL) and then upload the private key stated above.

For multiple repository configuration, see Bulk change.


Prev: Removing SSH keys

Next: Git URL ports


More on Working with SSH keys

Working with SSH keys (index)

Generating SSH keys

Adding a private SSH key

Adding a public SSH Key

SSH keys configuration

Adding and associating SSH keys

Removing SSH keys

Reconfigure Git repositories and SSH keys (this page)

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